The Dim Sum Diary

L'Art Énergétique de Vivre : Une Leçon de la Culture du Dim Sum

The Energetic Art of Living: A Lesson from Dim ...

Returning to Hong Kong was a feast for the senses—especially for the heart. Reconnecting with old friends reminded me of the deep joy that comes from meaningful connections, and, of...

The Energetic Art of Living: A Lesson from Dim ...

Returning to Hong Kong was a feast for the senses—especially for the heart. Reconnecting with old friends reminded me of the deep joy that comes from meaningful connections, and, of...

La Sagesse du Serpent : Se Dépouiller, Ressentir et Entrer dans la Transformation

The Wisdom of the Snake: Shedding, Sensing, and...

The Wisdom of the Snake: Embracing TransformationAs we enter the first New Moon of 2025, the energy of the Snake invites us to release the old and embrace renewal with...

The Wisdom of the Snake: Shedding, Sensing, and...

The Wisdom of the Snake: Embracing TransformationAs we enter the first New Moon of 2025, the energy of the Snake invites us to release the old and embrace renewal with...

Commencer à Nouveau : Sortir de l’Inconnu

Beginning Anew: Shifting Out of the Known

Beginning Anew: Shifting Out of the KnownWhat if, instead of staying in the comfort of the familiar, you made this year an exploration of new possibilities? Try something new each...

Beginning Anew: Shifting Out of the Known

Beginning Anew: Shifting Out of the KnownWhat if, instead of staying in the comfort of the familiar, you made this year an exploration of new possibilities? Try something new each...

Le Cadeau de la Sérénité : Réflexions de Fin d’Année

The Gift of Stillness: Reflections for the End ...

The Gift of Stillness: Reflections for the End of the YearWhat if, instead of being swept up in the holiday rush, you gave yourself the ultimate gift: the gift of...

The Gift of Stillness: Reflections for the End ...

The Gift of Stillness: Reflections for the End of the YearWhat if, instead of being swept up in the holiday rush, you gave yourself the ultimate gift: the gift of...

La Spiritualité Est Comme la Sauce Soja dans un Rouleau de Printemps : Essentielle, Partout, Même Si Vous Ne la Remarquez Pas

Spirituality is Like Soy Sauce in a Spring Roll...

Spirituality is an essential dimension of our well-being, often neglected in our modern lives despite the religious freedom we enjoy. While we nurture our physical, mental and emotional health, what...

Spirituality is Like Soy Sauce in a Spring Roll...

Spirituality is an essential dimension of our well-being, often neglected in our modern lives despite the religious freedom we enjoy. While we nurture our physical, mental and emotional health, what...

Boulettes à mille couches - Partie 2

Thousand Layer Dumpling - Part 2

In this post, I dive deeper into understanding how shame has driven my decisions and how the universe responds to our energy, not just our words. What deeper motivations are...

Thousand Layer Dumpling - Part 2

In this post, I dive deeper into understanding how shame has driven my decisions and how the universe responds to our energy, not just our words. What deeper motivations are...