The rapid speed of today’s life with the myriad channels of distractions are robbing our children the precious connections with simply the present moment, the rhythm of nature and with our inner self. These connections are not luxury nice-to-haves, but they are essential foundations to our overall well being. This very foundation is where intuition, creativity, self confidence, resilience, compassion etc are built upon.
In this fun filled workshop, we share simple yet important tools and awareness for each child to take with them practices that can be accessible and effective for :
- Harnessing their focus and attention
- Practising mindfulness
- Building positive relationships with their body, sensations and emotions
- Understanding their own access to inner peace and stillness
Using techniques through body movements, breathing, visualisation, transmitted through inquisitive games and explorative exercises.
Workshop is envisioned as a 10 week series, building upon skills learnt in each session.
Starting date and venue to be confirmed. Please email to be on the waiting list. Limited spaces available within small groups to ensure dedicated individual attention.
Cultivate the most powerful habit of inner calm and practice focus and concentration through deep listening, precious skills that would be serving your children lifelong.
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